Ulf Genzel Bio


After many years in challenging specialist and management positions in the technical environment of the media and broadcast industry, Ulf Genzel has been working as an independent management and executive search consultant for companies in the media, telecommunications and IT sectors since 2010. His focus today includes topics such as recruiting, executive search and talent acquisition as well as coaching of executives and teams. Ulf Genzel is Board Member of FKTG - Fernseh- und Kinotechnische Gesellschaft e.V. (a German Association of Television and Motion Picture Engineers).


With a career in the field of broadcast IT spanning over more than 30 years, Ulf Genzel laid the foundation for his vita  as a TV engineer end of the 80th and subsequently worked for RIAS-TV in Berlin. In 1990 he started working for the TV broadcaster SAT.1 where he, together with a dedicated team of experts, has been in charge of putting the main transmission center of the TV station in Mainz into operation. In the following 10 years he held management positions in various areas, including production, broadcasting, technical planning and training. As Head of Video and Audio Technology, he and his team of around 50 employees were responsible for master control of the programm and the production in a TV studio. At the same time, he has also been part of a planning team for the planning and integration of the a entirely new production facility of what later became the ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion GmbH in Berlin.


In 1999, Ulf Genzel decided to found his first own company. Together with three partners, BIC4 Broadcast + IT GmbH, headquartered in Mainz, emerged as one of the most successful consulting companies in the field of broadcast IT in the following years. Ulf Genzel has not only being successful as managing partner of BIC4, but also as consultant and project manager: He has also been responsible for various major projects in the fields of telecommunications, automation, media asset management (MAM) and digital archiving.


A next important step followed in the beginning of 2007: Within the scope of a management buy-in, Ulf Genzel became one of the shareholders of Blue Order Solutions AG in Kaiserslautern. As Chief Sales Officer he took responsibility for global sales and the marketing of the solution portfolio. At the time of the takeover, the company had been one of the world's leading providers of MAM solutions for media companies for more than a decade.


During the following three years, the company doubled its headcount and revenue, and became as successful and visible that the US based Avid Corporation acquired the company in early 2010. Thus, the competences in the area of MAM solutions were bundled and the company’s own portfolio was supplemented by a market-leading solution. After the merger Ulf Genzel took over the position as Director MAM Sales at Avid. One of his core tasks has been the integration of Blue Order sales into the overall group structure. After completion of this task, the way to freelance work as a management and executive search consultant was paved.